List of works

Translations | Translations and adaptations of children’s books
  • Bonsels, Waldemar, Maya i Melissa [Maya the Bee], Athens: Eleftheroudakis 1931
  • Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George), I teleftees meres tis Pompiias [The Last Days of Pompeii], Athens: Eleftheroudakis. Nikas (undated)
  • Daudet, Alphons, To mikrouliko [The Little Thing], Athens: Eleftheroudakis (undated)
  • Dickens, Charles, Oliver Twist. Istoria enos orfanou pediou [Oliver Twist], Athens: Elefhteroudakis [1933?]. Nikas (undated).
  • Mukerji, Dhan Gopal, O elefas Kari [Kari, the Elephant], Athens: Eleftheroudakis [1931?]. Nikas (undated)
  • Reid, Mayne, I nei Rovinsones [The Desert Home], Athens: Eleftheroudakis 1933. Nikas (undated).
  • Stowe, Harriet Beecher (Harriet Beecher Stowe), To kalivi tou barba Thoma [Uncle Tom’s Cabin], Athens: Eleftheroudakis (undated). Nikas (undated)
  • Swift, Jonathan, Ta taxidia tou Giouliver [Gulliver’s Travels], Athens: Elefhteroudakis (undated). Nikas (undated)
  • Verne, Jules I peeratay tou Egeou [Archipelago on Fire], Athens: Dimitrakos 1931. Astir 1958
  • Verne, Jules, Peripeties Kinezou stin Athina [Tribulations of a Chinaman in China], Athens: Dimitrakos 1931. Astir 1958
  • Verne, Jules, I hora ton adamanton, edited by Dimosthenis Voutiras, Athens: Dimitrakos 1931. Astir 1958
  • Verne, Jules, O yiros tou kosmou is ogdonda meres [Around the World in 80 Days], edited by Dimosthenis Voutiras, Athens: Dimitrakos 1931
  • Verne, Jules, Apo ton Kafkaso sto Pekino [Claudius Bombarnac, Special Correspondent], Athens: Dimitrakos 1942. Athens: Astir 1958
  • Verne, Jules, I ploti politia [A Floating City], Athens: Dimitrakos 1942. Astir 1957
  • Verne, Jules, Michael Strogoff, Athens: Dimitrakos 1942. Astir (undated).
  • Verne, Jules, Roviros o Kataktitis [Robur the Conqueror], Athens: Dimitrakos 1943. Astir 1958
  • Verne, Jules, Ano kato [The Purchase of the North Pole], Athens: Astir 1994